Scopus API in Matlab#

by Anastasia Ramig

These recipe examples use the Elsevier Scopus API. Code was tested with MATLAB R2021b and sample data downloaded from the Scopus API on April 26, 2022 via and This tutorial content is intended to help facillitate academic research. Before continuing or reusing any of this code, please be aware of Elsevier’s API policies and appropiate use-cases. You will also need to register for an API key in order to use the Scopus API.


We will start by setting up the API key. Save your key in a text file in the same directory as the current Matlab folder and import your key as follows:

%% import API key from file
myAPIKey = importdata("apiKey.txt");

1. Get Author Data#

Number of Records for Author#

%% setup API information and pull data
api_url = "";
author_id = "AU-ID(55764087400)&apiKey=";
q = webread(api_url + author_id + myAPIKey)


q = struct with fields:
   search_results: [1x1 struct]
%% create an array of ones to pre-allocate doi_list
doi_list = {ones(length(q.search_results.entry), 1)};

%% create a list of dois from the data
for i = 1:length(q.search_results.entry)
   doi_list{i} = q.search_results.entry{i,1}.prism_doi;


doi_list = 1x20 cell
%% create an array of ones to pre-allocate titles_list
titles_list = {ones(length(q.search_results.entry), 1)};

%% create a list of titles from the data
for i = 1:length(q.search_results.entry)
   titles_list{i} = q.search_results.entry{i,1}.dc_title;


titles_list = 1x20 cell
'Using NCBI Entrez Direct (EDirect) for Small Molecule Chemical Informati…  'Using the linux operating system full-time tips and experiences from a s  'Analysis of the Frequency and Diversity of 1,3-Dialkylimidazolium Ionic …  'Rapid Access to Multicolor Three-Dimensional Printed Chemistry and Bioch  'Text analysis of chemistry thesis and dissertation titles''Phototunable Thermoplastic Elastomer Hydrogel Networks''Programmatic conversion of crystal structures into 3D printable files us…  'Dangling-End Double Networks: Tapping Hidden Toughness in Highly Swollen  'Replacing the Traditional Graduate Chemistry Literature Seminar with a C…  '3D Printed Block Copolymer Nanostructures''Hypotheses in librarianship: Applying the scientific method''Recruiting students to campus: Creating tangible and digital products in  '3D printed molecules and extended solid models for teaching symmetry and…  'Repurposing Space in a Science and Engineering Library: Considerations f  'A model for managing 3D printing services in academic libraries''Morphological phase behavior of poly(RTIL)-containing diblock copolymer …  'Network formation in an orthogonally self-assembling system''Access to nanostructured hydrogel networks through photocured body-cente  'Synthesis and ordered phase separation of imidazolium-based alkyl-ionic …  'Thermally stable photocuring chemistry for selective morphological trapp
%% create an array of ones to pre-allocate citedby_count
citedby_count = {ones(length(q.search_results.entry), 1)};

%% create a list of counts of how much each title was cited
for i = 1:length(q.search_results.entry)
   citedby_count{i} = q.search_results.entry{i,1}.citedby_count;


citedby_count = 1x20 cell
'0'          '0'          '17'         '25'         '5'          '11'         '20'         '6'          '10'         '25'         '0'          '0'          '98'         '6'          '34'         '40'         '31'         '18'         '45'         '11'
%% find the total number of cites
citesTotal = str2double(citedby_count);
totalCites = sum(citesTotal)


totalCites = 402

2. Get Author Data in a Loop#

Number of Records for Author#

%% import author text data as a cell array
authorList = importdata("authorData.txt")


authorList = 5x1 cell
'{Emy Decker, 36660678600}'
'{Lindsey Lowry, 57210944451}'
'{Karen Chapman, 35783926100}'
'{Kevin Walker, 56133961300}'
'{Sara Whitver, 57194760730}'
%% create a list of author names and delete the extra bracket from it
authorList2 = cellfun(@(x) strsplit(x, ","), authorList, 'UniformOutput', false);
for i = 1:length(authorList2)
   str = authorList2{i, 1}{1, 1};
   old = "{";
   new = "";
   authorList2{i, 1}{1, 1} = replace(str, old, new);

%% extract the author ids
author_ids = {ones(length(authorList2), 1)};
for i = 1:length(authorList2)
   pat = digitsPattern;
   author_ids{i} = extract(authorList2{i, 1}{1, 2}, pat);
%% preallocate an array for the number of records
numRecords = {ones(length(author_ids), 1)};

%% find the number of records for each author and add it to the author list
for i = 1:length(numRecords{1, 1})
   q1 = webread(api_url + "AU-ID(" + author_ids{1, i} + ")&apiKey=" + myAPIKey);
   numRecords{i} = length(q1.search_results.entry);
   authorList2{i, 1}{1, 3} = numRecords{i};



{'Emy Decker'   }    {' 36660678600}'}    {[14]}
{'Lindsey Lowry'}    {' 57210944451}'}    {[ 4]}
{'Karen Chapman'}    {' 35783926100}'}    {[25]}
{'Kevin Walker' }    {' 56133961300}'}    {[ 8]}
{'Sara Whitver' }    {' 57194760730}'}    {[ 4]}

Get Record Data#

clear info
%% extract the dois and cites for each author
for i = 1:length(author_ids)
   q_records = webread(api_url + "AU-ID(" + author_ids{1, i}+")&apiKey=" + myAPIKey);
   n = length(q_records.search_results.entry);

   %% preallocate cell array for the dois and cites
   doiList = cell(1, length(author_ids));
   citeList = cell(1, length(author_ids));
   for k = 1:n
            doiList{1, i}{k, 1} = q_records.search_results.entry{k, 1}.prism_doi;
            citeList{1, i}{k, 1} = q_records.search_results.entry{k, 1}.citedby_count;

   %% add the dois and cites to an overall information array
   info{1, 1}{1, i} = doiList{1, i};
   info{2, 1}{1, i} = citeList{1, i};

%% create arrays for the dois and cites
dois = {};
cites = {};
for i = 1:width(info{1, 1})
   dois = vertcat(dois, info{1, 1}{1, i});
   cites = vertcat(cites, info{2, 1}{1, i});
%% create a conclusive array
authorArray = horzcat(dois, cites);
nameArray = {};

%% create an array of author names
for i = 1:(length(numRecords))
   nameLength = int16(numRecords{i});
   authorName = cellstr(repmat(authorList2{i, 1}{1, 1}, nameLength, 1));
   nameArray = vertcat(nameArray, authorName);

%% add the author names to the informational array
authorArray = horzcat(authorArray, nameArray)


authorArray = 55x3 cell
   1 2       3
1    '10.1108/RSR-08-2021-0051'      '0'     'Emy Decker'
2    '10.1080/1072303X.2021.1929642' '0'     'Emy Decker'
3    '10.1080/15367967.2021.1900740' '8'     'Emy Decker'
4    '10.1080/15367967.2020.1826951' '0'     'Emy Decker'
5    '10.1080/10691316.2020.1781725' '0'     'Emy Decker'
6    '10.1145/3347709.3347805'       '0'     'Emy Decker'
7    '10.4018/978-1-5225-5631-2.ch09'        '3'     'Emy Decker'

Save Record Data to a file#

%% save the search for each author to a mat file
for author = 1:length(author_ids)
   authorName = authorList2{author, 1}{1, 1};
   q2 = webread(api_url + "AU-ID" + "(" + author_ids{1, author} + ")&apiKey=" + myAPIKey);
   filename = authorName + ".mat";
   save filename q2;
%% save the author arrays to individual text files
for i = 1:(length(numRecords))
   clear individualAuthorData;
   individualDois = info{1, 1}{1, i};
   individualCites = info{2, 1}{1, i};

   nameLength = int16(numRecords{i});
   authorName = cellstr(repmat(authorList2{i, 1}{1, 1}, nameLength, 1));

   individualAuthorData = horzcat(individualDois, individualCites);
   individualAuthorData = horzcat(individualAuthorData, authorName);

   writecell(individualAuthorData, (authorList2{i, 1}{1, 1} + ".txt"), "Delimiter", "\t");