Scopus API in Unix Shell#

by Avery Fernandez

These recipe examples use the Elsevier Scopus API. Code was tested and sample data downloaded from the Scopus API on April 7, 2022 via and This tutorial content is intended to help facillitate academic research. Before continuing or reusing any of this code, please be aware of Elsevier’s API policies and appropiate use-cases. You will also need to register for an API key in order to use the Scopus API.


Program requirements#

In order to run this code, you will need to first install curl, and jq. curl is used to request the data from the API and jq is used to parse the JSON data.

API Key Information#

We will start by setting up the API key. Save your key in a text file in your current directory and import your key as follows:

apiKey=$(cat "apikey.txt")

Set the url for the base API:


1. Get Author data#

Records for Author#

rawAuthorSearch=$(curl $api$"?query=AU-ID(55764087400)&apiKey=""$apiKey" | jq '.["search-results"]')

Here is how to view the returned data ([0] to show first record):

echo "$rawAuthorSearch" | jq '.["entry"][0]'

The Raw JSON file is converted into a dictionary/associative array, which can be queried using the keys listed below:

echo "$rawAuthorSearch" | jq '.["entry"][0] | keys'



Extracting all the DOIs from the author data:

echo "$rawAuthorSearch" | jq '.["entry"][]["prism:doi"]'



Extract all titles:

echo "$rawAuthorSearch" | jq '.["entry"][]["dc:title"]'


"Using NCBI Entrez Direct (EDirect) for Small Molecule Chemical Information Searching in a Unix Terminal"
"Using the linux operating system full-time tips and experiences from a subject liaison librarian"
"Analysis of the Frequency and Diversity of 1,3-Dialkylimidazolium Ionic Liquids Appearing in the Literature"
"Rapid Access to Multicolor Three-Dimensional Printed Chemistry and Biochemistry Models Using Visualization and Three-Dimensional Printing Software Programs"
"Text analysis of chemistry thesis and dissertation titles"
"Phototunable Thermoplastic Elastomer Hydrogel Networks"
"Programmatic conversion of crystal structures into 3D printable files using Jmol"
"Dangling-End Double Networks: Tapping Hidden Toughness in Highly Swollen Thermoplastic Elastomer Hydrogels"
"Replacing the Traditional Graduate Chemistry Literature Seminar with a Chemical Research Literacy Course"
"3D Printed Block Copolymer Nanostructures"
"Hypotheses in librarianship: Applying the scientific method"
"Recruiting students to campus: Creating tangible and digital products in the academic library"
"3D printed molecules and extended solid models for teaching symmetry and point groups"
"Repurposing Space in a Science and Engineering Library: Considerations for a Successful Outcome"
"A model for managing 3D printing services in academic libraries"
"Morphological phase behavior of poly(RTIL)-containing diblock copolymer melts"
"Network formation in an orthogonally self-assembling system"
"Access to nanostructured hydrogel networks through photocured body-centered cubic block copolymer melts"
"Synthesis and ordered phase separation of imidazolium-based alkyl-ionic diblock copolymers made via ROMP"
"Thermally stable photocuring chemistry for selective morphological trapping in block copolymer melt systems"

Citation information:

echo "$rawAuthorSearch" | jq '.["entry"][]["citedby-count"]'



2. Author Data in a Loop#

Number of Records for Author#

Setup an array of Authors and their Scopus IDs:

declare -A names=( [36660678600]="Emy Decker" [57210944451]="Lindsey Lowry" [35783926100]="Karen Chapman" [56133961300]="Kevin Walker" [57194760730]="Sara Whitver" )

Find the number of records for each author:

declare -A numRecords
for ids in "${!names[@]}";
  echo "$ids"
  AuthorData=$(curl $api"?query=AU-ID(""$ids"$")&apiKey=""$apiKey" | jq '.["search-results"]')
  echo "$AuthorData"
  numRecords[$ids]=$(echo "$AuthorData" | jq '.["opensearch:totalResults"]')
  sleep 1

for key in "${!numRecords[@]}";
  echo "$key"$": ""${numRecords["$key"]}"


57210944451: "4"
56133961300: "8"
36660678600: "14"
35783926100: "29"
57194760730: "4"

Download Record Data#

Let’s say we want the DOIs and cited by counts in a csv file

truncate -s 0 authors.csv
echo $"AuthorID,DOI,citedby" >> authors.csv
for ids in "${!names[@]}";
  AuthorData=$(curl $api"?query=AU-ID(""$ids"$")&apiKey=""$apiKey" | jq '.["search-results"]')
  sleep 1
  length=$(echo "$AuthorData" | jq '.["entry"] | length')
  for (( i = 0 ; i < length ; i++));
    data=$(echo "$AuthorData" | jq ".entry[$i]")
    doi=$(echo "$data" | jq '.["prism:doi"]')
    cite=$(echo "$data" | jq '.["citedby-count"]')
    echo "${names["$ids"]}"$",""$doi"$",""$cite" >> authors.csv


Lindsey Lowry,"10.1080/1941126X.2021.1949153","1"
Lindsey Lowry,"10.5860/lrts.65n1.4-13","0"
Lindsey Lowry,"10.1080/00987913.2020.1733173","1"
Lindsey Lowry,"10.1080/1941126X.2019.1634951","0"
Kevin Walker,"10.1016/j.acalib.2021.102450","0"
Kevin Walker,"10.1016/j.acalib.2020.102136","4"
Kevin Walker,"10.1016/j.lisr.2019.100968","2"
Kevin Walker,"10.1016/j.acalib.2019.02.013","10"
Kevin Walker,"10.1027/1614-2241/a000166","2"

Get the article titles:

for ids in "${!names[@]}";
  echo $"Author: ""${names["$ids"]}"
  AuthorData=$(curl -s $api"?query=AU-ID(""$ids"$")&apiKey=""$apiKey" | jq '.["search-results"]') # -s makes the download silent
  sleep 1
  length=$(echo "$AuthorData" | jq '.["entry"] | length')
  for (( i = 0 ; i < length ; i++));
    data=$(echo "$AuthorData" | jq ".entry[$i]")
    echo "$data" | jq '.["dc:title"]'


Author: Lindsey Lowry
"Exploring the evidence-base for electronic access troubleshooting: Where research meets practice"
"Fighting an uphill battle: Troubleshooting assessment practices in academic libraries"
"Where Do Our Problems Lie?: Comparing Rates of E-Access Problems Across Three Research Institutions"
"Using LastPass to facilitate the gathering of usage statistics for e-resources: a case study"
Author: Kevin Walker
"Exploring adaptive boosting (AdaBoost) as a platform for the predictive modeling of tangible collection usage"
"Assessing information literacy in first year writing"
"Modeling time-to-trigger in library demand-driven acquisitions via survival analysis"
"Application of adaptive boosting (AdaBoost) in demand-driven acquisition (DDA) prediction: A machine-learning approach"
"Applying AdaBoost to Improve Diagnostic Accuracy: A Simulation Study"
"Judging the Need for and Value of DDA in an Academic Research Library Setting"
"Improving generalizability coefficient estimate accuracy: A way to incorporate auxiliary information"
"Student Engagement in One-Shot Library Instruction"
Author: Emy Decker
"Launching chat service during the pandemic: inaugurating a new public service under emergency conditions"
"Making Sense of the Lending Fill Rate in Interlibrary Loan: Investigating Causes for Low Fill Rates and Developing Potential Remedies"
"Reaching academic library users during the COVID-19 pandemic: New and adapted approaches in access services"
"Expediting the delivery of content to library users: When to buy versus when to borrow"