PubMed API in Python#

by Avery Fernandez

These recipe examples were tested on August 3, 2022.

NCBI Entrez Programming Utilities documentation:

Please see NCBI’s Data Usage Policies and Disclaimers:

1. Basic PubMed API call#

First, import libraries needed to pull data from the API:

from time import sleep
import requests
from pprint import pprint

For calling individual articles and publications, we will need to use this api url.

summary = ''

The article we are requesting has PubMed ID: 27933103

retmode in the web API URL specifies the file format, in this example, we will use json.

url = summary+'id=27933103&retmode=json'
data_call = requests.get(url).json()
{'header': {'type': 'esummary', 'version': '0.3'},
 'result': {'27933103': {'articleids': [{'idtype': 'pubmed',
                                         'idtypen': 1,
                                         'value': '27933103'},
                                        {'idtype': 'doi',
                                         'idtypen': 3,
                                         'value': '10.1186/s13321-016-0181-z'},
                                        {'idtype': 'pii',
                                         'idtypen': 4,
                                         'value': '181'},
                                        {'idtype': 'pmc',
                                         'idtypen': 8,
                                         'value': 'PMC5122160'},
                                        {'idtype': 'rid',
                                         'idtypen': 8,
                                         'value': '27933103'},
                                        {'idtype': 'eid',
                                         'idtypen': 8,
                                         'value': '27933103'},
                                        {'idtype': 'pmcid',
                                         'idtypen': 5,
                                         'value': 'pmc-id: PMC5122160;'}],
                         'attributes': ['Has Abstract'],
                         'authors': [{'authtype': 'Author',
                                      'clusterid': '',
                                      'name': 'Scalfani VF'},
                                     {'authtype': 'Author',
                                      'clusterid': '',
                                      'name': 'Williams AJ'},
                                     {'authtype': 'Author',
                                      'clusterid': '',
                                      'name': 'Tkachenko V'},
                                     {'authtype': 'Author',
                                      'clusterid': '',
                                      'name': 'Karapetyan K'},
                                     {'authtype': 'Author',
                                      'clusterid': '',
                                      'name': 'Pshenichnov A'},
                                     {'authtype': 'Author',
                                      'clusterid': '',
                                      'name': 'Hanson RM'},
                                     {'authtype': 'Author',
                                      'clusterid': '',
                                      'name': 'Liddie JM'},
                                     {'authtype': 'Author',
                                      'clusterid': '',
                                      'name': 'Bara JE'}],
                         'availablefromurl': '',
                         'bookname': '',
                         'booktitle': '',
                         'chapter': '',
                         'doccontriblist': [],
                         'docdate': '',
                         'doctype': 'citation',
                         'edition': '',
                         'elocationid': '',
                         'epubdate': '2016 Nov 23',
                         'essn': '1758-2946',
                         'fulljournalname': 'Journal of cheminformatics',
                         'history': [{'date': '2016/08/15 00:00',
                                      'pubstatus': 'received'},
                                     {'date': '2016/11/16 00:00',
                                      'pubstatus': 'accepted'},
                                     {'date': '2016/12/10 06:00',
                                      'pubstatus': 'entrez'},
                                     {'date': '2016/12/10 06:00',
                                      'pubstatus': 'pubmed'},
                                     {'date': '2016/12/10 06:01',
                                      'pubstatus': 'medline'}],
                         'issn': '',
                         'issue': '',
                         'lang': ['eng'],
                         'lastauthor': 'Bara JE',
                         'locationlabel': '',
                         'medium': '',
                         'nlmuniqueid': '101516718',
                         'pages': '66',
                         'pmcrefcount': 7,
                         'pubdate': '2016',
                         'publisherlocation': '',
                         'publishername': '',
                         'pubstatus': '258',
                         'pubtype': ['Journal Article'],
                         'recordstatus': 'PubMed',
                         'references': [],
                         'reportnumber': '',
                         'sortfirstauthor': 'Scalfani VF',
                         'sortpubdate': '2016/11/23 00:00',
                         'sorttitle': 'programmatic conversion of crystal '
                                      'structures into 3d printable files '
                                      'using jmol',
                         'source': 'J Cheminform',
                         'srccontriblist': [],
                         'srcdate': '',
                         'title': 'Programmatic conversion of crystal '
                                  'structures into 3D printable files using '
                         'uid': '27933103',
                         'vernaculartitle': '',
                         'volume': '8'},
            'uids': ['27933103']}}

Data extraction: Let us try to extract the authors of the paper

  1. Index to where the authors are stored

  2. Create a loop to get authors

  3. pull the author names

# Step 1
index = data_call["result"]["27933103"]["authors"]
[{'authtype': 'Author', 'clusterid': '', 'name': 'Scalfani VF'},
 {'authtype': 'Author', 'clusterid': '', 'name': 'Williams AJ'},
 {'authtype': 'Author', 'clusterid': '', 'name': 'Tkachenko V'},
 {'authtype': 'Author', 'clusterid': '', 'name': 'Karapetyan K'},
 {'authtype': 'Author', 'clusterid': '', 'name': 'Pshenichnov A'},
 {'authtype': 'Author', 'clusterid': '', 'name': 'Hanson RM'},
 {'authtype': 'Author', 'clusterid': '', 'name': 'Liddie JM'},
 {'authtype': 'Author', 'clusterid': '', 'name': 'Bara JE'}]
# Step 2
authorRange = range(len(data_call["result"]["27933103"]["authors"]))
range(0, 8)
# Step 3
for authors in range(len(data_call["result"]["27933103"]["authors"])):
'Scalfani VF'
'Williams AJ'
'Tkachenko V'
'Karapetyan K'
'Pshenichnov A'
'Hanson RM'
'Liddie JM'
'Bara JE'

2. Request data using a Loop#

First, create a list of PubMed IDs:

idList = [34813985, 34813932, 34813684, 34813661, 34813372, 34813140, 34813072]
# get each id
for ids in idList:

Now we have a way to print each id in a loop, but we need to store it, instead of printing. One way to achieve this with python is by using dictionaries. Python dictionaries work by storing a value and associating it with a specific key. We can establish dictionaries two ways. The first is:

dictionary = {"data": "something"}

This is great, but it doesn’t allow us to store new data.

So let’s try the second way:

dictionary = {}
dictionary["data"] = "something"

Now we can go about acquiring the data from PubMed and saving the data in a dictionary, called multiPapers:

multiPapers = {}
for ids in idList:
    url = summary+'id='+ str(ids) + '&retmode=json'
    multiPapers[ids] = requests.get(url).json()
    sleep(1) # add a delay between API calls
pprint(multiPapers[34813985]) # view first one
{'header': {'type': 'esummary', 'version': '0.3'},
 'result': {'34813985': {'articleids': [{'idtype': 'pubmed',
                                         'idtypen': 1,
                                         'value': '34813985'},
                                        {'idtype': 'pii',
                                         'idtypen': 4,
                                         'value': 'S0143-4160(21)00154-8'},
                                        {'idtype': 'doi',
                                         'idtypen': 3,
                                         'value': '10.1016/j.ceca.2021.102500'},
                                        {'idtype': 'pmc',
                                         'idtypen': 8,
                                         'value': 'PMC8752506'},
                                        {'idtype': 'mid',
                                         'idtypen': 8,
                                         'value': 'NIHMS1760117'},
                                        {'idtype': 'rid',
                                         'idtypen': 8,
                                         'value': '34813985'},
                                        {'idtype': 'eid',
                                         'idtypen': 8,
                                         'value': '34813985'},
                                        {'idtype': 'pmcid',
                                         'idtypen': 5,
                                         'value': 'pmc-id: '
                                                  'PMC8752506;manuscript-id: '
                                                  'NIHMS1760117;embargo-date: '
                         'attributes': ['Has Abstract'],
                         'authors': [{'authtype': 'Author',
                                      'clusterid': '',
                                      'name': 'Fernández-Morales JC'},
                                     {'authtype': 'Author',
                                      'clusterid': '',
                                      'name': 'Xia Y'},
                                     {'authtype': 'Author',
                                      'clusterid': '',
                                      'name': 'Renzo TJ'},
                                     {'authtype': 'Author',
                                      'clusterid': '',
                                      'name': 'Zhang XH'},
                                     {'authtype': 'Author',
                                      'clusterid': '',
                                      'name': 'Morad M'}],
                         'availablefromurl': '',
                         'bookname': '',
                         'booktitle': '',
                         'chapter': '',
                         'doccontriblist': [],
                         'docdate': '',
                         'doctype': 'citation',
                         'edition': '',
                         'elocationid': 'doi: 10.1016/j.ceca.2021.102500',
                         'epubdate': '2021 Nov 8',
                         'essn': '1532-1991',
                         'fulljournalname': 'Cell calcium',
                         'history': [{'date': '2021/08/04 00:00',
                                      'pubstatus': 'received'},
                                     {'date': '2021/11/02 00:00',
                                      'pubstatus': 'revised'},
                                     {'date': '2021/11/04 00:00',
                                      'pubstatus': 'accepted'},
                                     {'date': '2023/01/01 00:00',
                                      'pubstatus': 'pmc-release'},
                                     {'date': '2021/11/24 06:00',
                                      'pubstatus': 'pubmed'},
                                     {'date': '2022/02/01 06:00',
                                      'pubstatus': 'medline'},
                                     {'date': '2021/11/23 20:17',
                                      'pubstatus': 'entrez'}],
                         'issn': '0143-4160',
                         'issue': '',
                         'lang': ['eng'],
                         'lastauthor': 'Morad M',
                         'locationlabel': '',
                         'medium': '',
                         'nlmuniqueid': '8006226',
                         'pages': '102500',
                         'pmcrefcount': 2,
                         'pubdate': '2022 Jan',
                         'publisherlocation': '',
                         'publishername': '',
                         'pubstatus': '256',
                         'pubtype': ['Journal Article'],
                         'recordstatus': 'PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE',
                         'references': [],
                         'reportnumber': '',
                         'sortfirstauthor': 'Fernández-Morales JC',
                         'sortpubdate': '2022/01/01 00:00',
                         'sorttitle': 'mutation in ryr2 fkbp binding site '
                                      'alters ca sup 2 sup signaling modestly '
                                      'but increases arrhythmogenesis in human '
                                      'stem cells derived cardiomyocytes',
                         'source': 'Cell Calcium',
                         'srccontriblist': [],
                         'srcdate': '',
                         'title': 'Mutation in RyR2-FKBP Binding site alters '
                                  'Ca<sup>2+</sup> signaling modestly but '
                                  'increases "arrhythmogenesis" in human stem '
                                  'cells derived cardiomyocytes.',
                         'uid': '34813985',
                         'vernaculartitle': '',
                         'volume': '101'},
            'uids': ['34813985']}}
# Get title for each journal
for ids in idList:
'Cell Calcium'
'Dev Growth Differ'
'Methods Mol Biol'

3. PubMed API Calls with Requests & Parameters#

For searching for articles using search term(s), we will need to use this api url:

search = ''

when searching through the articles, we are given a few of ways of filtering the data.

A list of all the available parameters for these requests can be found in the official NCBI documentation:


we will be using the pubmed database


we can use term to search data, just make sure to replace spaces with +

We can, for example, use a query to search PubMed, such as “neuroscience intervention learning”:

url = search+"term=neuroscience+intervention+learning&retmode=json"
data = requests.get(url).json()
{'esearchresult': {'count': '19286',
                   'idlist': ['35917919',
                   'querytranslation': '("neurosciences"[MeSH Terms] OR '
                                       '"neurosciences"[All Fields] OR '
                                       '"neuroscience"[All Fields]) AND '
                                       '("methods"[MeSH Terms] OR '
                                       '"methods"[All Fields] OR '
                                       '"intervention"[All Fields]) AND '
                                       '("learning"[MeSH Terms] OR '
                                       '"learning"[All Fields])',
                   'retmax': '20',
                   'retstart': '0',
                   'translationset': [{'from': 'intervention',
                                       'to': '"methods"[MeSH Terms] OR '
                                             '"methods"[All Fields] OR '
                                             '"intervention"[All Fields]'},
                                      {'from': 'learning',
                                       'to': '"learning"[MeSH Terms] OR '
                                             '"learning"[All Fields]'},
                                      {'from': 'neuroscience',
                                       'to': '"neurosciences"[MeSH Terms] OR '
                                             '"neurosciences"[All Fields] OR '
                                             '"neuroscience"[All Fields]'}],
                   'translationstack': [{'count': '23909',
                                         'explode': 'Y',
                                         'field': 'MeSH Terms',
                                         'term': '"neurosciences"[MeSH Terms]'},
                                        {'count': '126074',
                                         'explode': 'N',
                                         'field': 'All Fields',
                                         'term': '"neurosciences"[All Fields]'},
                                        {'count': '412113',
                                         'explode': 'N',
                                         'field': 'All Fields',
                                         'term': '"neuroscience"[All Fields]'},
                                        {'count': '719232',
                                         'explode': 'Y',
                                         'field': 'MeSH Terms',
                                         'term': '"methods"[MeSH Terms]'},
                                        {'count': '8878078',
                                         'explode': 'N',
                                         'field': 'All Fields',
                                         'term': '"methods"[All Fields]'},
                                        {'count': '774317',
                                         'explode': 'N',
                                         'field': 'All Fields',
                                         'term': '"intervention"[All Fields]'},
                                        {'count': '424580',
                                         'explode': 'Y',
                                         'field': 'MeSH Terms',
                                         'term': '"learning"[MeSH Terms]'},
                                        {'count': '527556',
                                         'explode': 'N',
                                         'field': 'All Fields',
                                         'term': '"learning"[All Fields]'},
 'header': {'type': 'esearch', 'version': '0.3'}}

The number of returned IDs can be adjusted with the retmax paramater:

url = search+"term=neuroscience+intervention+learning&retmax=25&retmode=json"
data = requests.get(url).json()
# pprint(data) # show all data

We can also use the query to search for an author.

we will add [au] after the name to specify it is an author

url = search+"term=Darwin[au]&retmode=json"
data = requests.get(url).json()

# get a count of the results:

We can also sort results:


This allows us to store the data for it to be sorted in the same api call.


This will sort the ids by the publishing date.

url = search+"term=Coral+Reefs&retmode=json&usehistory=y&sort=pub+date"
data = requests.get(url).json()
# compare to unsorted:
url = search+"term=Coral+Reefs&retmode=json"
data = requests.get(url).json()

Searching based on publication types:

we can do this by adding AND into the search


[pt] specifies that the filter type is publication type

More filters can be found at

url = search+"term=stem+cells+AND+clinical+trial[pt]&retmode=json"
data = requests.get(url).json()
{'esearchresult': {'count': '6165',
                   'idlist': ['35902979',
                   'querytranslation': '("stem cells"[MeSH Terms] OR '
                                       '("stem"[All Fields] AND "cells"[All '
                                       'Fields]) OR "stem cells"[All Fields]) '
                                       'AND clinical trial[pt]',
                   'retmax': '20',
                   'retstart': '0',
                   'translationset': [{'from': 'stem cells',
                                       'to': '"stem cells"[MeSH Terms] OR '
                                             '("stem"[All Fields] AND '
                                             '"cells"[All Fields]) OR "stem '
                                             'cells"[All Fields]'}],
                   'translationstack': [{'count': '250452',
                                         'explode': 'Y',
                                         'field': 'MeSH Terms',
                                         'term': '"stem cells"[MeSH Terms]'},
                                        {'count': '597273',
                                         'explode': 'N',
                                         'field': 'All Fields',
                                         'term': '"stem"[All Fields]'},
                                        {'count': '4320297',
                                         'explode': 'N',
                                         'field': 'All Fields',
                                         'term': '"cells"[All Fields]'},
                                        {'count': '316209',
                                         'explode': 'N',
                                         'field': 'All Fields',
                                         'term': '"stem cells"[All Fields]'},
                                        {'count': '946832',
                                         'explode': 'Y',
                                         'field': 'pt',
                                         'term': 'clinical trial[pt]'},
 'header': {'type': 'esearch', 'version': '0.3'}}

4. PubMed API metadata visualization#

Frequency of topic sortpubdate field#

Extracting the sortpubdate field for a “hydrogel drug” search results, limited to publication type clinical trials:

url = search+"term=hydrogel+drug+AND+clinical+trial[pt]&sort=pub+date&retmax=500&retmode=json"
data = requests.get(url).json()
ids = data["esearchresult"]["idlist"]
pprint(ids[0:10]) # first 10
####### this will take a few minutes.... #########

# now loop through each IDs and get the sortpubdate field. 
# Note that this sortpubdate field may not necassarily be equivalent to a publication date
for id in ids:
    url = summary+"id="+str(id)+"&retmode=json"
    request = requests.get(url).json()

Now that we have sortpubdates, if we want to visualize them in matplotlib, we have to convert it over to something it understands

from datetime import datetime
for dates in range(len(pubDates)):
    pubDates[dates] = datetime.strptime(pubDates[dates],'%Y/%m/%d')
[datetime.datetime(2022, 8, 1, 0, 0),
 datetime.datetime(2022, 6, 1, 0, 0),
 datetime.datetime(2022, 5, 1, 0, 0),
 datetime.datetime(2022, 4, 1, 0, 0),
 datetime.datetime(2022, 3, 1, 0, 0),
 datetime.datetime(2022, 1, 21, 0, 0),
 datetime.datetime(2022, 1, 1, 0, 0),
 datetime.datetime(2022, 1, 1, 0, 0),
 datetime.datetime(2022, 1, 1, 0, 0),
 datetime.datetime(2021, 9, 1, 0, 0)]
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
plt.hist(pubDates, bins=30,edgecolor='black')
fig.set_size_inches(8, 4)
# set_size specifies the size of the graph
# Rotates and right-aligns the x labels so they don't crowd each other.
for label in ax.get_xticklabels(which='major'):
    label.set(rotation=30, horizontalalignment='right')