arXiv API in R#

by Adam M. Nguyen

These recipe examples were tested on December 1, 2023.



arXi API Access Information:

arXiv Terms of Use:

aRxiv: R Interface to the arXiv API:

Acknowledgment: Thank you to arXiv for use of its open access interoperability

See the bottom of the document for information on R and package versions.

Hosted and maintained by Cornell University, arXiv is an open-access and free distribution service containing nearly 2.5 million scholarly articles in fields including physics, mathematics, computer science, quantitative biology, quantitative finance, statistics, electrical engineering and systems science and economics at the time of writing. In this tutorial we will introduce how to use the API with some examples, but for larger bulk downloads of data from arXiv, we recommend Kaggle’s arxiv Dataset, which is updated monthly with the full arXiv data set and metadata.


Load Library#

Run the following lines of code to load the library ‘aRxiv’. If you have not done so already, additionally, before the ‘library()’ functions, run ‘install.packages(‘aRxiv’)’. aRxiv is the package we will use to interface with the arXiv API.

# Load necessary libraries

Retrieving Categories#

Before we get started, a useful function provided by the aRxiv package is ‘arxiv_cats’. This returns arXiv subject classification’s abbreviation and corresponding description. Categories are especially important in forming queries to the API so we mention them here first.

# Here are the first 10 categories to showcase the function
##    abbreviation                                  description
## 1       stat.AP                    Statistics - Applications
## 2       stat.CO                     Statistics - Computation
## 3       stat.ML                Statistics - Machine Learning
## 4       stat.ME                     Statistics - Methodology
## 5       stat.TH                          Statistics - Theory
## 6      q-bio.BM          Quantitative Biology - Biomolecules
## 7      q-bio.CB         Quantitative Biology - Cell Behavior
## 8      q-bio.GN              Quantitative Biology - Genomics
## 9      q-bio.MN    Quantitative Biology - Molecular Networks
## 10     q-bio.NC Quantitative Biology - Neurons and Cognition

2. Retrieving Number of Query Results#

Using the aRxiv package you can also retrieve counts of papers given some query. For example, we can see how many papers our previous ‘Hydrodynamics’ query returns.

# How many papers titles contain hydroynamics?

## [1] 6385

We can also see how many HEP-th papers there are.

# How many papers fall under the HEP-th category?

arxiv_count("cat: HEP-th")
## [1] 162439

And finally we can see how many HEP-th papers have been published throughout the years.

# Create a vector of years we are interested in, 1990:2023
years <- 1991:2023

# Create empty vector to append annual counts to
arxiv_counts <- c()

# Loop through years to create list of counts per year
for(year in years){
  arxiv_counts <- c(arxiv_counts, arxiv_count(paste0('cat:HEP-th AND submittedDate:[',year,' TO ',year+1,']')))
arxiv_counts_df <-,arxiv_counts))
# Simple base R plot of the data
plot(arxiv_counts_df, main = 'Theoretical High Energy Physics Papers Published per Year', xlab = 'Year', ylab='Number of Papers')

3. Proportion of Preprints in Hydrodynamics Papers#

arXiv’s repository contains both electronic preprints and and links to post print (e.g. version of record DOI). We will explore the proportion of preprints in the previous ‘Hydrodynamics’ query. This is possible as the ‘doi’ column returned in the query is empty for those articles that do not have doi, i.e. preprints.

# Count the number of preprints by looking for empty 'doi' columns
hydrodynamic_preprint_count <- sum(hydrodynamic_search$doi == "")

# Calculate a percentage of preprints
percentage_preprints <- (hydrodynamic_preprint_count / nrow(hydrodynamic_search)) * 100

paste0('The percentage of preprints is ',round(percentage_preprints, digits = 2),'%.')
## [1] "The percentage of preprints is 23.98%."

R Session Info#

## R version 4.3.1 (2023-06-16 ucrt)
## Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
## Running under: Windows 10 x64 (build 19045)
## Matrix products: default
## locale:
## [1] LC_COLLATE=English_United States.utf8 
## [2] LC_CTYPE=English_United States.utf8   
## [3] LC_MONETARY=English_United States.utf8
## [4] LC_NUMERIC=C                          
## [5] LC_TIME=English_United States.utf8    
## time zone: America/Chicago
## tzcode source: internal
## attached base packages:
## [1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     
## other attached packages:
## [1] ggplot2_3.4.4 aRxiv_0.6    
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
##  [1] vctrs_0.6.3       httr_1.4.7        cli_3.6.1         knitr_1.44       
##  [5] rlang_1.1.1       xfun_0.40         generics_0.1.3    jsonlite_1.8.7   
##  [9] labeling_0.4.2    glue_1.6.2        colorspace_2.1-0  htmltools_0.5.6.1
## [13] XML_3.99-0.14     sass_0.4.7        fansi_1.0.4       scales_1.2.1     
## [17] rmarkdown_2.25    grid_4.3.1        tibble_3.2.1      evaluate_0.22    
## [21] munsell_0.5.0     jquerylib_0.1.4   fastmap_1.1.1     yaml_2.3.7       
## [25] lifecycle_1.0.3   compiler_4.3.1    dplyr_1.1.3       pkgconfig_2.0.3  
## [29] rstudioapi_0.15.0 farver_2.1.1      digest_0.6.33     R6_2.5.1         
## [33] tidyselect_1.2.0  utf8_1.2.3        pillar_1.9.0      curl_5.1.0       
## [37] magrittr_2.0.3    bslib_0.5.1       withr_2.5.0       tools_4.3.1      
## [41] gtable_0.3.4      cachem_1.0.8